1000万語収録Weblio辞書 - embargo とは意味船舶の抑留出港禁止. The United States embargo against Cuba prevents American businesses and businesses organized under US.
A government order prohibiting the movement of merchant ships into or out of its ports.

. Suspension des exportations dun ou de plusieurs produits vers un État à titre de sanction ou de moyen de pression. Zumindest beim Öl will die EU jetzt baldmöglichst die Versorgung aus. 例文lay an embargo on shipslay ships under an embargo.
Embargo 名 出入港の禁止命令禁輸措置禁輸輸出入の禁止通商禁止The US. An embargo is a government restriction placed on the import or export of goods services currency and other values to any other country or state. FedEx works hard to ensure a seamless delivery process but some events can delay package delivery.
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The US first imposed an embargo on the sale of arms to Cuba on March 14 1958 during the Fulgencio Batista regime. Dans cette deuxième hypothèse lembargo appartient à la catégorie des contre-mesures riposte non militaire dun ou plusieurs États contestant la légalité dun acte commis par. Aus einem bestimmten Staat.
The pivot from. Check our shipping service alerts for updates. Indigestión empacho del estómago.
2 days agoGermany the blocs largest economy has dropped its opposition to the measure which is being considered for inclusion in the EUs possible sixth. Imposed a trade em発音US embɑrgou UK embɑːgouカナイムバーゴ変化動embargoes embargoing embargoed - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和和英辞書検索. It is the most enduring trade embargo in modern history.
Ambassadors will reportedly table. Embargoes can be placed on specific categories of goods scientific and technical information. Unlike military blockades which may be viewed as acts of war embargoes are legally-enforced barriers to trade.
It can be imposed both in war and peacetime covering all aspects of trade and economic activity. Law or majority-owned by American citizens from conducting trade with Cuban interests. Atto col quale uno stato dispone il sequestro di navi mercantili estere ancorate nei suoi porti o presenti nelle sue acque territoriali o impedisce loro di allontanarsene solitamente per facilitare eventuali ricerche di polizia ma anche come atto.
Di embargar impedire sequestrare lat. Prohibición del comercio y transporte de armas u otros efectos útiles para la guerra decretada por un Gobierno. German officials said the country is prepared to stop buying Russian oil the Wall Street Journal reported.
7 hours agoNachdem Deutschland eingelenkt hat zeichnet sich ein Embargo der EU auf russisches Öl ab. 13 hours agoFolgen eines Embargo EU will Russland den Ölhahn zudrehen was den Verzicht für Deutschland so kompliziert macht. Prescription allow let permit suffer.
Im Interview erklärt Ökonom Südekum wie hart es Putin treffen würde was es für die deutschen. An embargo is a government-ordered restriction of commerce or exchange with one or more countries. Espagnol embargo empêchement obstacle 1.
Ban interdict interdiction prohibition proscription veto exclude rule out. Embargo definition any restriction imposed upon commerce by edict especially against a certain country as a penalty or to induce compliance with demands or legal obligations. Un embargo peut être décidé par une organisation internationale comme les Nations unies ou de façon unilatérale par un État ou un groupe dÉtats.
Germany will support the European embargo of Russian oil marking another significant turnaround in the nations position as the invasion of Ukraine continues. During an embargo no goods or services may be imported from or exported to the embargoed country or countries. The United Nations fact-finding mission recommended the imposition of an arms embargo and other targeted economic sanctions on the rogue stateThe software may not be exported into any.
Défense faite provisoirement à un navire de quitter un port. Embargo von spanisch embargo Beschlagnahme Pfändung ist im Außenhandel und in der Außenhandelspolitik das behördliche Verbot des Exports undoder Imports von Gütern und Dienstleistungen in einen bzw. That opens the door to a full Russian oil embargo by the European Union.
Retención traba o secuestro de bienes por mandamiento de juez o autoridad competente. Zajęcie sekwestr zakaz importu lub eksportu określonych towarów do lub z danego państwa czyli ograniczenie handlu i innych stosunków z określonym państwem i jego bojkot na arenie międzynarodowejEmbargo jest instrumentem prawa administracyjnego nakładane przez rząd lub międzynarodowe organizacje traktowane jako szczególny środek. Embargo synonyms embargo pronunciation embargo translation English dictionary definition of embargo.
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